Joshua Thompson
Project Manager
Joshua Thompson has over thirteen years of professional experience as a Landscape Designer and Project Manager. He has experienced many aspects of project development, design, construction, and administration; from the research of materials, technology, and government ordinances to the coordination, management, and implementation of building and landscape systems.
- What is something you love about Landscape Architecture?
- If you could be a mixed drink, what would it be?
- What is your favorite way to socially isolate?
The breadth of scale and impact landscape architecture can have, from preserving natural systems regionally to curating a singular experience at the threshold of a small outdoor room.
Old Fashioned, don’t muddle the fruit and go easy on the sugar.
My neighborhood has built a small 14 hole chipping golf course at the start of quarantine in our park down the street. Once I get back on a real course I’ll be money 75 yards in.

Joshua Thompson
Project Manager
Joshua Thompson has over thirteen years of professional experience as a Landscape Designer and Project Manager. He has experienced many aspects of project development, design, construction, and administration; from the research of materials, technology, and government ordinances to the coordination, management, and implementation of building and landscape systems.
- What is something you love about Landscape Architecture?
- If you could be a mixed drink, what would it be?
- What is your favorite way to socially isolate?
The breadth of scale and impact landscape architecture can have, from preserving natural systems regionally to curating a singular experience at the threshold of a small outdoor room.
Old Fashioned, don’t muddle the fruit and go easy on the sugar.
My neighborhood has built a small 14 hole chipping golf course at the start of quarantine in our park down the street. Once I get back on a real course I’ll be money 75 yards in.