Jackson Healthcare Corporate Campus

Alpharetta, GA

SITE solutions was the landscape architect for Jackson Healthcare’s first building and their campus expansion. The site, along with the client’s desire to replicate authentic design elements that harken back to the Italian Renaissance, framed the design directive.

The campus consists of three office towers and one parking deck set on a property with severe topographic and utility infrastructure challenges.

SITE solutions was tasked with designing a grand piazza to act as a flex space for the many events the company hosts.

The space acts as the day to day pedestrian connection between the differing buildings providing areas for outdoor respite and working.

Jackson Healthcare prides itself on being an employee-centric company. As such, the campus has a centrally located employee amenity building that mimics the Roman Colosseum.

Care was given to material selection in efforts to keep within the specific design criteria from plant selection to light fixtures.

Client: Rule Joy Trammell Rubio, LLCs
Owner: Jackson Healthcare
RJTR (architecture),
AEC, inc (civil)