The Point Park
Alpharetta, GA
The Point Park is one of the centerpieces of the redevelopment at the Northpoint Mall area of Alpharetta. Overshadowed by a re-energized downtown and by the success of Avalon and its surrounds, the City of Alpharetta, through a Livable Cities Initiative Grant, began studies to revitalize the area around the thirty year old Northpoint Mall and surrounding commercial areas.
As part of rezoning, Brookfield Development plans to tear down a portion of the mall and replace it with mixed use housing , restaurants and community open space. Adjacent to this area is a 17 acre recessed open space park and stormwater detention area, the center of the new Northpoint Eco District.

SITE solutions was commissioned to prepare the Master Plan for the park, building on the overarching principles of the LCI report, and to create a plan that enhances the redevelopment potential of the many parcels that front it.
Known as The Point Park, a “mountain in reverse,” Site solutions has designed a Canopy Walk that starts at street grade and traverses the recessed tree canopy, an Amphitheater, steel structured Overlook, a fishing Boardwalk, picnic pavilions, open space and trails.
Careful attention has been paid to wetlands restoration, art integration, inclusivity, ADA issues, and programmable spaces that are flexible with community needs.
In addition to the Canopy Walk, a 600 lineal foot pedestrian bridge spans the park, linking the new housing and commercial core at the Northpoint Mall site with the development parcels on the park’s other side, plus transit stops on Northpoint Parkway and trails that link it to the Big Creek Greenway.
Park Master Planner/Designer: SITE solutions LLC
Owner: City of Alpharetta
Kimley Horn (Civil Engineering)
SITE solutions

The Point Park is one of the centerpieces of the redevelopment at the Northpoint Mall area of Alpharetta. Overshadowed by a re-energized downtown and by the success of Avalon and its surrounds, the City of Alpharetta, through a Livable Cities Initiative Grant, began studies to revitalize the area around the thirty year- old Northpoint Mall and its surrounding commercial areas.
As part of rezoning, Brookfield Development plans to tear down a portion of the mall and replace it with mixed use housing, restaurants and community open space. Adjacent to it is a 14 acre recessed open space park and stormwater detention area, the center of the new Northpoint Eco District.

Site solutions was commissioned to prepare the Master Plan for the park, building on the overarching principles of the LCI report and creating a plan that enhances the redevelopment potential of the many parcels that front it.
Known as The Point Park , a “mountain in reverse”, Site solutions has designed a Canopy Walk that starts at street grade and traverses the recessed tree canopy, an Amphitheater, steel structured Overlook, a fishing Boardwalk, picnic pavilions, open space and trails.

Careful attention has been paid to wetlands restoration, art integration, inclusivity, ADA issues, and programmable spaces that are flexible with community needs.
In addition to the Canopy Walk, a 600 lineal foot pedestrian bridge spans the park, linking the new housing and commercial core at the Northpoint Mall site with the development parcels on the park’s other side, plus transit stops on Northpoint Parkway and trails that link it to the Big Creek Greenway.
Park Master Planner/Designer: SITE solutions LLC
Owner: City of Alpharetta
Kimley Horn (Civil Engineering)
SITE solutions